



About Us


LANDCLAN offers unrivalled location intelligence for address validation and location verification, along with our GIS Application for searching, scoring, indexing and analysing land parcels.





GIS Industry

Public Sector





Asset Management

Property Development

Data Science


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A lookup is any LANDCLAN search – whether that be an address attribution search, a building attribution search, a parcel attribution search, or a postcode attribution search.

Address attributions

Address attributions allow you to discover a wealth of information about, for example, a particular house. This will tell you, for instance, the number of bedrooms, the number of bathrooms, energy rating, and much more.

Building attributions

Building attributions offers information about a specific building. For example, how many flats are within a multi-residence building, access points, and whether the property has been extended.

Parcel attributions

A land parcel is a plot of land on which several properties may stand. Parcel attributions tell you about the houses within a land parcel, meaning you can gain access to information such as building constraints and limitations, as well as so much more.

Postcode attributions

Postcode attributes focus on information about the entire postcode area. You can look up a postcode to tell you anything from environmental factors, such as wind levels or flood risk, to details of the local economy and crime levels.

Yes. Our range of smart packages make it easy for you to combine the data attributes that are most important to you and your business. Simply choose the one that works best for you.

There’s no obligation, but after your 30-day trial, you can opt to begin a cost-effective package that suits your business. This will ensure you continue to get the most out of LANDCLAN’s unbeaten location data.

There are absolutely no hidden fees or set up costs. You simply choose the package that’s right for you, and start paying just for what you use.

Credits are valid for one year from the point of purchase.

You can use your 30-day free trial in the same way you would use a paid-for credit. I.e. you can look up any address attributions, building attributions, parcel attributions, and postcode attributions.

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The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) consists of a maximum of 12-digit numbers. Local governments allocate a unique number for each land parcel that remains unchanged irrespective of its status.


The Unique Delivery Point Reference Number is an 8-digit number, unique to each postal address that remains unchanged.

Department Name

The department name is indicated for some organisations since mail is received by subdivisions of the main organisation at distinct delivery points.

Organisation Name

The organisation name is the business name given to a delivery point within a building or small group of buildings.

Building Name

The registered building name of the address.

Sub Building Name

The registered sub building name of the address.

Building Number

The building number of the address.

Dependent Street

The dependent street name wherein the address is not on the main street.


The street name in the address's postal address.

Post Town

The post town corresponding to the address's postal address.

Full Address

The full address.

Address Code

The address code represents the classification code of the address record.

Address Category

The category of address, i.e., commercial or residential.

Address Description

The description of the address.

VOA Primary Code

The Valuation Office Agency assigns primary codes to all the rateable properties to specify the nature of the use of the property.

VOA Primary Description

The description of the services at the property, e.g., shop, factory.

VOA SCat Code

The Valuation Office Agency assigns Special Category, i.e., SCat codes to all the rateable properties to specify the nature of the use of the property.

VOA SCat Description

Details the basis on which the property was rated.

Property Size Surveyed sqm

The surveyed gross internal area of the property in square metres.

Property Size Derived sqm

The property size derived using the Open Street Map Buildings dataset.

Property Age

The age band of the property.

Reinstatement Cost

The reinstatement cost determines how much a property would cost to rebuild if it is destroyed.

Registered Lease

Indicates if the property lease is registered or not.

Lease Date

The date of lease commencement of the property.

Lease Term

The details on the length of the property lease.

Lease Alienation Clause Indicator

Indicates if the tenant is granted the right to sublet or share occupation of the property.

VOA Billing Authority Name

The name of the billing authority for the address.

VOA Composite Indicator

Indicates if the property is a composite property wherein a part of the property is used for domestic purposes and partly used for non-domestic purposes, e.g., a takeaway with a residential.

VOA Rateable Value

The valuation office agency rateable value assesses the property's market value at the effective date.

VOA Effective Date

Date the VOA rating assessment came into effect.

Address Tenures

The list of tenures associated with the property. Possible values are FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD

Address Type





The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) consists of a maximum of 12-digit numbers. Local governments allocate a unique number for each land parcel that remains unchanged irrespective of its status.


Represents the individual lodgment identifier. It is unique and may be used to identify the EPC record.

Current Energy Rating

Current energy rating converted into a linear 'A to G' rating wherein A is the most energy efficient and G is the least energy efficient.

Potential Energy Rating

Potential energy rating converted into a linear 'A to G' rating wherein A is the most energy efficient and G is the least energy efficient.

Current Energy Efficiency

Based on the cost of energy, i.e., the energy required for heating the property, water heating and lighting (kWh/year) multiplied by fuel costs measured in m2/year where cost is derived from kWh.

Potential Energy Efficiency

Estimated potential energy rating converted into a linear 'A to G' rating (where A is the most energy efficient and G is the least energy efficient).

Inspection Date

The date that the energy assessor carried out the inspection.

Lodgement Date

Date when the application was lodged in the EPC register.

Transaction Type

Type of transaction that triggered EPC, e.g., marketed sale, non-marketed sale, new-dwelling, rental, not sale or rental, etc. If the reason for the assessment is unknown by the energy assessor the transaction type is recorded as 'none of the above'.

Environment Impact Current

A measure of the property's current impact on the environment in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The higher the rating the lower the CO2 emissions. (CO2emissions in tonnes / year).

Environment Impact Potential

The potential environmental impact rating. A measure of the property's potential impact on the environment in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions after improvements have been carried out. The higher the rating the lower the CO2emissions. (CO2emissions in tonnes / year).

Energy Consumption Current

Current estimated total energy consumption for the property in a 12 month period (kWh/m2).

Energy Consumption Potential

Estimated potential total energy consumption for the Property in a 12 month period (kWh/m2).

CO2 Emissions Current

CO2emissions per year in tonnes/year.

CO2 Emissions Current per floor area

CO2emissions per square metre floor area per year in kg/m2.

CO2 Emissions Potential

Estimated value in tonnes per year of the total CO2emissions produced by the property in 12 month period.

Lighting Cost Current

Current estimated annual energy costs for lighting the property.

Lighting Cost Potential

Potential estimated annual energy costs for lighting the property after improvements are done.

Heating Cost Current

Current estimated annual energy costs for heating the property.

Heating Cost Potential

Potential annual energy costs for lighting the property after improvements are done.

Hot Water Cost Current

Current estimated annual energy costs for hot water supply in the property.

Hot Water Cost Potential

Potential annual energy costs for hot water supply in the property after improvements are done.

Total Floor Area

The total useful floor area is the total of all enclosed spaces measured to the internal face of the external walls, i.e., the gross floor area as measured in accordance with the guidance issued from time to time by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors or by a body replacing that institution. It is measured in square metres.

Energy Tariff

Type of electricity tariff for the property, e.g., single.

Mains Gas Flag

Indicates if a mains gas is available. Yes means that the property has a gas meter or a gas-burning appliance. A closed-off gas pipe is not taken into account.

Floor Level

Applicable to flats and maisonettes only. Floor level relative to the lowest level of the property (0 for ground floor). If there is a basement, the basement is level 0 and the other floors are from 1 upwards.

Flat Top Storey

Indicates if the flat is on the top storey or not.

Flat Top Storey Count

The number of storeys in the apartment block.

Main Heating Controls

Indicates the type of main heating controls. It includes both main heating systems if there are two controls.

Multi Gaze Proportion

The estimated banded range, e.g., 0% - 10% of the total glazed area of the property that is multiple glazed

Glazed Type

Indicates the type of glazing from British Fenestration Rating Councilor manufacturer declaration, i.e., single, double or triple.

Glazed Area

Ranged estimate of the total glazed area of the habitable area.

Extension Count

Indicates the number of extensions added to the property between 0 and 4.

Number of Habitable Rooms

Habitable rooms include any living room, sitting room, dining room, bedroom, study and similar, and a non-separated conservatory. A kitchen/diner with a discrete seating area (with space for a table and four chairs) also counts as a habitable room. A non-separated conservatory adds to the habitable room count if it has an internal quality door between it and the dwelling. Excluded from the room count is any room used solely as a kitchen, utility room, bathroom, cloakroom, en-suite accommodation and similar and any hallway, stairs or landing; and any room without a window.

Number of Heated Rooms

The number of heated rooms in the property if more than half of the habitable rooms are not heated.

Low Energy Lighting

The percentage of low-energy lighting present in the property as a percentage of the total fixed lights. 0% indicates that low-energy lighting is absent.

Number of Open Fireplaces

The number of open fireplaces in the property. An open fireplace is a fireplace that still allows air to pass between the inside of the property and the outside.

Hot Water Description

Overall description of the hot water supply within the property.

Hot Water Energy Efficiency

The hot water energy efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Hot Water Environmental Efficiency

The hot water environmental efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Floor Description

Overall description of the property flooring.

Floor Energy Efficiency

The floor energy efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Floor Environmental Efficiency

The floor environmental efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Windows Description

Overall description of the property windows.

Windows Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency rating of the property windows, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Windows Environmental Efficiency

The environmental efficiency rating of the property windows, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Walls Description

Overall description of the property walls.

Walls Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency rating of the property walls, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Walls Environmental Efficiency

The environmental efficiency rating of the property walls, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Secondary Heat Description

Overall description of the secondary heating in the property.

Secondary Heat Energy Efficiency

The secondary heat energy efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate includes a 1-5 star rating.

Secondary Heat Environmental Efficiency

The secondary heat environmental efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate includes a 1-5 star rating.

Roof Description

Overall description of the property roof.

Roof Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency rating of the roof, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Roof Environmental Efficiency

The environmental efficiency rating of the roof, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Main Heat Description

Overall description of the main heating in the property.

Main Heat Energy Efficiency

The main heat energy efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Main Heat Environmental Efficiency

The main heat environmental efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate includes a 1-5 star rating.

Main Heat Control Description

Overall description of the main heating control in the property.

Main Heat Control Energy Efficiency

The main heat control energy efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Main Heat Control Environmental Efficiency

The main heat control environmental efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate includes a 1-5 star rating.

Lighting Description

Overall description of the lighting within the property.

Lighting Energy Efficiency

The lighting energy efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Lighting Environmental Efficiency

The lighting environmental efficiency rating, i.e., very good, good, average, poor or very poor. The energy certificate specifies a 1-5 star rating.

Main Fuel

The type of fuel used to power the central heating e.g., gas, electricity.

Wind Turbine Count

Indicates the number of wind turbines; 0 if none.

Heat Loss Corridor

Applicable to flats and maisonettes only. Indicates if the flat contains a corridor through which heat is lost, i.e., no corridor, heated corridor or unheated corridor.

Unheated Corridor Length

The total length of the unheated corridor in the flat. It is only populated if a flat or maisonette contains an unheated corridor. If unheated corridor, length of sheltered wall.

Floor Height

The average floor height in metres.

PV Supply Percentage

Percentage of photovoltaic area as a percentage of total roof area. 0% indicates that a photovoltaic supply is not present in the property.

Solar Water Heating Flag

Indicates whether the heating in the property is solar powered.

Mechanical Ventilation

Identifies the type of mechanical ventilation the property has. This is required for the RdSAP calculation.

Fixed Lighting Outlets Count

The number of fixed lighting outlets.

Low Energy Fixed Lighting Outlets Count

The number of low-energy fixed lighting outlets.



Total Properties

The total number of properties in the land parcel.

Total Adjacent Properties

The total number of properties in the adjacent land parcel.

Residential Units

The number of residential units on the land parcel.

Garage Units

The number of garage units in the land parcel.

HMO Units

The number of houses in multiple occupation on the land parcel.

Care Units

The number of care units in the land parcel.

Commercial Units

The number of commercial units in the land parcel.

Educational Units

The number of educational units in the land parcel.

Industrial Units

The number of industrial units in the land parcel.

Leisure Units

The number of leisure units in the land parcel.

Health Units

The number of health units in the land parcel.

Retail Units

The number of retail units in the land parcel.

Land Units

The number of land units in the land parcel.

Miscellaneous Units

The number of miscellaneous units in the land parcel.

Total Buildings

The number of total buildings in the land parcel.

Total Outbuildings

The number of total outbuildings in the land parcel.

Total Other Buildings 20m

The total number of other buildings within 20 metres of the land parcel.

Developed Footprint Area

The area of the land parcel that is developed.

Developed Volume

The volume of the land parcel that is developed.

Developed Area Percentage

The percentage of developed area of the land parcel.

Max Building Height

The maximum height of the buildings within the land parcel.

Max Building Floors

The maximum number of floors within the land parcel.

Max Nearby Building Height

The maximum height of the buildings near the land parcel.

Max Nearby Building Floors

The maximum number of floors in the nearby buildings.

Min Extension Area

The minimum size of the extension in the land parcel.

Max Extension Area

The maximum size of the extension in the land parcel.

Strategic Land

The percentage indicating the strategic importance of the land parcel.


The building capacity of the land parcel.

Capacity with Minimum Extension

The building capacity with minimum extension.

Capacity with Maximum Extension

The building capacity with maximum extension.

Minimum Redevelopment Capacity

The minimum redevelopment capacity of the land parcel.

Maximum Redevelopment Capacity

The maximum redevelopment capacity of the land parcel.



Access Summary

The access summary indicates the presence of access constraints wherein 0 = no constraints and 1 = access constraints present.

Evironment Summary

The environment summary indicates the presence of environment constraints wherein 0 = no constraints and 1 = environment constraints present.

Flood Risk Summary

The flood risk summary indicates the presence of flood risk constraints wherein 0 = no constraints and 1 = flood risk constraints present.

Geology Summary

The geology summary indicates the presence of geology constraints wherein 0 = no constraints and 1 = geology constraints present.

Habitat Summary

The habitat summary indicates the presence of habitat constraints wherein 0 = no constraints and 1 = habitat constraints present.

Historic Summary

The historic summary indicates the presence of historic constraints wherein 0 = no constraints and 1 = historic constraints present.

Access Constraints 50 Metres

Displays the names of the access constraint type within 50 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Environment Constraints 50 Metres

Displays the names of the environment constraint type within 50 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Flood Constraints 50 Metres

Displays the names of the flood constraint type within 50 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Geology Constraints 50 Metres

Displays the names of the geology constraint type within 50 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Habitat Constraints 50 Metres

Displays the names of the habitat constraint type within 50 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Historic Constraints 50 Metres

Displays the names of the historic constraint type within 50 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Access Constraints 100 Metres

Displays the names of the access constraint type within 100 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Environment Constraints 100 Metres

Displays the names of the environment constraint type within 100 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Flood Constraints 100 Metres

Displays the names of the flood constraint type within 100 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Geology Constraints 100 Metres

Displays the names of the geology constraint type within 100 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Habitat Constraints 100 Metres

Displays the names of the habitat constraint type within 100 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Historic Constraints 100 Metres

Displays the names of the historic constraint type within 100 metres of the land parcel, if applicable.

Ground Water Flood Risks

Displays the risk status of flooding from ground water.

SUD Infiltration Potentials

Indicates the suitability of the ground for infiltration sustainable drainage.

Recorded Flood Count

The total number of floods recorded at the land parcel.

Subsidence Classes

Classification of the insurance hazard potential for land subsidence(Low-High).

Subsidence Score

The total combined land subsidence hazard score of all 6 hazards.

Collapsible Deposits Score

The individual land subsidence hazard score for collapsible deposits.

Running Sand Score

The individual land subsidence hazard score for running sand.

Compressible Ground Score

The individual land subsidence hazard score for compressible ground.

Shrink Swell Score

The individual land subsidence hazard score for shrink swell.

Soluble Rocks Score

The individual land subsidence hazard score for soluble rocks.

Landslide Score

The individual land subsidence hazard score for landslide.



Bus Stop

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest bus stop.

Train Stop

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest train station.

Road Junction

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest road junction.


The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest chemist.


The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest dentist.

Health Centre

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest health centre.

Retail Centre

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest retail centre.


The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest kindergarten.

Primary School

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest primary school.

Secondary School

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest secondary school.

Built-up Area

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest builtup area.


The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest road.

Fire Station

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest fire station.

Fracking Site

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest fracking site.

Flood Zone 2

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest flood zone 2.

Flood Zone 3

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest flood zone 3.

Electricity Cable

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest electricity cable.

Electricity Overhead Line

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest electricity overhead line.

Electricity Substation

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest electricity substation.

Electricity Tower

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest electricity tower.

Gas Pipe

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest gas pipe.

Gas Site

The straight line distance from the land parcel to the nearest gas site.



Size Acres

The size in acres of the land parcel.

Registered Percentage

The percentage of the land parcel that is registered.

Overlapping Percentage

The percentage of the land parcel geometry overlapped with other land parcels.


The land parcel's postcode.

Postcode Location Type

The location type of the land parcel's postcode.

Council Tax Band

The council tax band for the land parcel.

Local Authority Name

The local authority responsible for the public services and facilities in the area of the land parcel.

Inspire ID

The unique inspire id of the land parcel.

Land Charges

Any burdens or restrictions of use on the land parcel, e.g., residential use or protected sites.


The Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) consists of a maximum of 12-digit numbers. Local governments allocate a unique number for each property that remains unchanged irrespective of its status.


A Boolean flag indicating whether the parcel is valid in shape. A parcel is considered to be invalid if it fails certain geometry checks such as if a road is passing through a parcel boundary.

Invalid Reasons

If the valid flag is set to true, the invalid reasons field is set to explain the failed rules.



Title Number

The land registry title number.

Parcel Tenure

Indicates whether the parcel isFreehold or Leasehold.

Parcel Address

The address of the land parcel.

Price Paid

Indicates the price paid for the parcel at the time of registration.

Owner Names

The names of all owners.

Owner 1 Name

The name of the first owner.

Owner 1 Company Reg Number

The registration number of the first owner's company.

Owner 1 Category

The category of the first owner.

Owner 1 Category Type

The category type of the first owner.

Owner 1 Incorporation Company

The incorporation country of the first owner's company.

Owner 1 Address

The address of the first owner.

Owner 2 Name

The name of the second owner.

Owner 2 Company Reg Number

The registration number of the second owner's company.

Owner 2 Category

The category of the second owner.

Owner 2 Category Type

The category type of the second owner.

Owner 2 Incorporation Company

The incorporation country of the second owner's company.

Owner 2 Address

The address of the second owner.

Owner 3 Name

The name of the third owner.

Owner 3 Company Reg Number

The registration number of the third owner's company.

Owner 3 Category

The category of the third owner.

Owner 3 Category Type

The category type of the third owner.

Owner 3 Incorporation Company

The incorporation country of the third owner's company.

Owner 3 Address

The address of the third owner.

Owner 4 Name

The name of the fourth owner.

Owner 4 Company Reg Number

The registration number of the fourth owner's company.

Owner 4 Category

The category of the fourth owner.

Owner 4 Category Type

The category type of the fourth owner.

Owner 4 Incorporation Company

The incorporation country of the fourth owner's company.

Owner 4 Address

The address of the fourth owner.



Total Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel.

Total Permitted Applications

The total number of planning applications with granted planning permission on the land parcel.

Total Rejected Applications

The total number of planning applications rejected for planning permission on the land parcel.

Total Referred Applications

The total number of planning applications referred to the Secretary of State by the local planning authority under the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2021.

Total Full Applications

The total number of full planning applications on the land parcel.

Total Outline Applications

The total number of outline planning applications on the land parcel.

Total Housing Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel for housing.

Total Social Housing Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel for social housing.

Total Commercial Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel for commercial purposes.

Total Retail Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel for retail purposes.

Total Industrial Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel for industrial purposes.

Total Tree Works Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel for tree works.

Total Large Scale Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel that are large scale.

Total Medium Scale Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel that are medium scale.

Total Small Scale Applications

The total number of planning applications on the land parcel that are small scale.

Application Sizes

The size of the planning applications, e.g., small, large.

Application States

The state of the planning applications, e.g., permitted, conditions, rejected.

Application Types

The type of the planning applications, e.g., full, conditions.

Application Categories

The category of the planning applications. e.g., commercial, housing.

Total Policies

The total number of planning policies.

Policy Authority Names

The local authorities responsible for the planning policy.

Policy Names

The names of all planning policies on the land parcel.

Policy Types

The types of all planning policies on the land parcel.



Land Parcel Apartments Average Price

The average price of all the apartments within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Terraced Average Price

The average price of all the apartments within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Semi Average Price

The average price of all the semi-detached housing within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Detached Average Price

The average price of all the detached housing within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Residential Average Price

The average price of all the residential properties within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Non-Residential Average Price

The average price of all the non-residential properties within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Apartments Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of all the apartments within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Terraced Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of all the terraced properties within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Semi Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of all the semi-detached properties within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Detached Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of all the detached properties within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Residential Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of all the residential properties within the land parcel.

Land Parcel Non-Residential Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of all the non-residential properties within the land parcel.

Local Authority Apartments Average Price

The average price of all the apartments within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Terraced Average Price

The average price of all the terraced properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Semi Average Price

The average price of all the semi-detached properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Detached Average Price

The average price of all the detached properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Residential Average Price

The average price of all the residential properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Non-Residential Average Price

The average price of all the non-residential properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Apartments Average Price per sqft

The average sale price per square foot of all the apartments within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Terraced Average Price per sqft

The average sale price per square foot of all the terraced properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Semi Average Price per sqft

The average sale price per square foot of all the semi-detached properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Detached Average Price per sqft

The average sale price per square foot of all the detached properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Residential Average Price per sqft

The average sale price per square foot of all the residential properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

Local Authority Non-Residential Average Price per sqft

The average sale price per square foot of all the non-residential properties within the local authority of the land parcel.

CC Communal Density

The maximum number of apartments permitted in the city or town centre sites.

Urban Communal Density

The maximum number of apartments permitted in the urban sites.

Suburban Communal Density

The maximum number of apartments permitted in the sub urban sites.

CC Houses Density

The maximum number of houses (detached, semi-detached, terraced) permitted in the city or town centre sites.

Urban Houses Density

The maximum number of houses permitted in the urban sites.

Suburban Houses Density

The maximum number of houses permitted in the sub urban sites.

CC Communal Revenue

The maximum revenue that can be generated from city centre apartments.

Urban Communal Revenue

The maximum revenue that can be generated from apartments in the urban sites.

Suburban Communal Revenue

The maximum revenue that can be generated from apartments in the sub urban sites.

CC Houses Revenue

The maximum revenue that can be generated from houses in the city or town centre sites.

Urban Houses Revenue

The maximum revenue that can be generated from houses in the urban sites.

Suburban Houses Revenue

The maximum revenue that can be generated from houses in the sub urban sites.

Average Revenue

The average revenue that can be generated from all the houses and apartments.

Average Communal Revenue

The average revenue that can be generated from all the apartments.

Average Houses Revenue

The average revenue that can be generated from all the houses.



Road Frontages

All road frontage types to the land parcel.

Best Road Frontage

The best road frontage for the land parcel.

Road Front Names

All road names which have a frontage with the land parcel.

Total Road Fronts

The total number of road fronts with the land parcel.

Land Use Primary Categories

The land use primary categories derived using Open Street Map.

Land Use Secondary Categories

The land use secondary categories derived using Open Street Map.

Land Use Descriptions

The land use descriptions derived using Open Street Map.

Land Use Primary Categories Premium

The land use primary categories derived using OSGB Addressbase.

Land Use Secondary Categories Premium

The land use secondary categories derived using OSGB Addressbase.

Land Use Descriptions Premium

The land use descriptions derived using OSGB Addressbase.

Water Courses Count 1km

The number of water courses within 1 km of the land parcel.

Water Features Percentage

The percentage of area occupied by water features on the land parcel.

Roads Percentage

The percentage of length occupied by road features on the land parcel.

Open Space Percentage

The percentage of open space on the land parcel as derived using Open Street Map building footprints.

Open Space Percentage Premium

The percentage of open space on the land parcel as derived using OSGB Master Map building footprints.

Brownfield Percentage

The percentage of brownfield sites on the land parcel.

Tree Count within 20 Metres Premium

The number of trees within 20 metres distance from the land parcel.

Max Tree Height within 20 Metres Premium

The tallest tree height in meters within 20 metres radius from the land parcel.

Public Rights of Way 50 Metres

Public rights of way within 50 metres of the land parcel.

Road Maintenance 50 Metres

Road maintenance feature types within 50 metres of the land parcel.

Building Attributes




Building feature identifier

Min Height

The minimum height of the building.

Max Height

The maximum height of the building.

Footprint Area

The area of building footprint.

Floor Count

The number of floors in a building.

Address Count

The number of addresses in a building.

Year of Construction

The year when the building was constructed.

Year of Conversion

The year of conversion of the building.

Distance to Road

The distance in meters from the building to the nearest road. If the value is -1 then the distance is greater than 500 meters.

Distance to Fire Station

The distance in meters from the building to the nearest fire station. If the value is -1 then the distance is greater than 10 miles.

Distance to Fracking Site

The distance in meters from the building to the nearest fracking site. If the value is -1 then the distance is greater than 10 miles.

Distance to Flood Zone 2

The distance in meters from the building to flood zone 2, i.e., assessed as medium risk for flooding. If the value is -1 then the distance is greater than 500 meters.

Distance to Flood Zone 3

The distance in meters from the building to flood zone 3, i.e., assessed as a medium risk for flooding. If the value is -1 then the distance is greater than 500 meters.

Tree Count Within 20 Metres Premium

The number of trees within 20 metres distance from the building.

Max Tree Height Within 20 Metres Premium

The tallest tree height in meters within 20 metres radius from the building.

Postcode Attributes



Average Annual Solar Radiation

The average annual solar radiation.

Average January Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of January.

Average February Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of February.

Average March Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of March.

Average April Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of April.

Average May Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of May.

Average June Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of June.

Average July Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of July.

Average August Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of August.

Average September Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of September.

Average October Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of October.

Average November Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of November.

Average December Solar Radiation

The average solar radiation for the month of December.

Average Annual Wind Speed 10 Metres

The annual average of wind speed at 10 metres above the earth's surface.

Average January Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of January.

Average February Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of February.

Average March Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of March.

Average April Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of April.

Average May Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of May.

Average June Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of June.

Average July Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of July.

Average August Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of August.

Average September Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of September.

Average October Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of October.

Average November Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of November.

Average December Wind Speed 10 Metres

The average wind speed at 10 metres elevation for the month of December.

Average Annual Wind Speed 50 Metres

The annual average of wind speed at 50 metres above the earth's surface.

Average January Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of January.

Average February Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of February.

Average March Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of March.

Average April Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of April.

Average May Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of May.

Average June Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of June.

Average July Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of July.

Average August Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of August.

Average September Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of September.

Average October Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of October.

Average November Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of November.

Average December Wind Speed 50 Metres

The average wind speed at 50 metres elevation for the month of December.




The number of chemists within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.


The number of dentists within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Student Accommodation

The number of student accomodations within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Sheltered Houses

The number of sheltered houses within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Care Homes

The number of care homes within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.


The number of kindergartens within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Primary School

The number of primary schools within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Secondary School

The number of secondary schools within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Car Showrooms

The number of car showrooms within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Car Wash

The number of car wash centres within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.


The number of pubs within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.


The number of hotels within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Retail Centres

The number of retail centres within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Health Centres

The number of health centres within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Leisure Centres

The number of leisure centres within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Storage Centres

The number of storage centres within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Distribution Depots

The number of distribution depots within 1 mile of the postcode boundary.




Potential number of customers for apartments within 3 miles of the postcode boundary.


Potential number of customers for houses within 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Luxury Houses

Potential number of customers for luxury houses within 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Social Flats

Potential number of customers for social apartments within 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Social Houses

Potential number of customers for social houses within 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Student Accommodation

The number of student accomodations within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Sheltered Houses

The number of sheltered houses within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Care Homes

The number of care homes within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.


The number of kindergartens within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Primary School

The number of primary schools within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Secondary School

The number of secondary schools within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Car Showrooms

The number of car showrooms within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Car Wash

The number of car wash centres within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.


The number of pubs within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.


The number of hotels within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Retail Centres

The number of retail centres within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Health Centres

The number of health centres within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Leisure Centres

The number of leisure centres within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Storage Centres

The number of storage centres within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.

Distribution Depots

The number of distribution depots within 3 mile of the postcode boundary.




The total population within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population age 0 to 14

The percentage of the population in the age group of 0 to 14 years living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population age 15 to 29

The percentage of the population in the age group of 15 to 29 years living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population age 30 to 44

The percentage of the population in the age group of 30 to 44 years living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population age 45 to 59

The percentage of the population in the age group of 45 to 59 years living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population age 60 Plus

The percentage of the population above 60 years living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Tenure Own

The population percentage that either owns a property outright or has a mortgage on the property within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Rented Private

The population percentage renting a private property within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Rented Social

The population percentage renting a social property within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Economy Employed

The percentage of the population either in full-time, part-time employment or self-employed living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Economy Unemployed

The total percentage of the unemployed population living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Economy Retired

The total percentage of the retired population living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Economy Student

The total percentage of the student population living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Economy Looking After Family

The total percentage of the population looking after family living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Economy Permanently Disabled

The total percentage of the permanently disabled population living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Social Class AB

The total percentage of the population classified under social class AB living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Social Class C1

The total percentage of the population classified under social class C1 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Social Class C2

The total percentage of the population classified under social class C2 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Population Social Class DE

The total percentage of the population classified under social class DE living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.


The total households within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Households Income Over 100

The total population percentage with an income of over £100,000 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Households Income 75 to 100

The total population percentage with an income ranging from £75,000 to £100,000 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Households Income 50 to 75

The total population percentage with an income ranging from £50,000 to £75,000 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Households Income 40 to 50

The total population percentage with an income ranging from £50,000 to £75,000 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Households Income 30 to 40

The total population percentage with an income ranging from £30,000 to £40,000 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Households Income 20 to 30

The total population percentage with an income ranging from £20,000 to £30,000 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Households Income Less than 20

The total population percentage with an income of less than £20,000 living within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Anti Social Behaviour Cases

The number of anti social behaviour cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Bicycle Theft Cases

The number of bicycle theft cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Burglary Cases

The number of burglary cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Criminal Damage and Arson Cases

The number of criminal damage and arson cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Drugs Related Cases

The number of drugs related cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Other Crime Cases

The number of other crime cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Other Theft Cases

The number of other theft cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Possession of Weapons Cases

The number of cases related to the posession of weapons within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Public Order Cases

The number of public order cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Robbery Cases

The number of robbery cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Shop Lifting Cases

The number of shoplifting cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Theft from Person Cases

The number of theft from person cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Vehicle Crime Cases

The number of vehicle crime cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

Violent & Sexual Offences Cases

The number of violence and sexual offences cases within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Overall Score

The overall score for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Overall Rank

The overall rank for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Overall Decile

The overall decile for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Score

The income score for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Rank

The income rank for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Decile

The income decile for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Employment Score

The employment score for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Employment Rank

The employment rank for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Employment Decile

The employment decile for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Educational Skills Score

The educational skills score for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Educational Skills Rank

The educational skills rank for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Educational Skills Decile

The educational skills decile for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Health Score

The health score for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Health Rank

The health rank for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Health Decile

The health decile for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Crime Score

The crime score for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Crime Rank

The crime rank for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Crime Decile

The crime decile for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Housing Barriers Score

The housing barriers score for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Housing Barriers Rank

The housing barriers rank for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Housing Barriers Decile

The housing barriers decile for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Living Environment Score

The living environment score for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Living Environment Rank

The living environment rank for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Living Environment Decile

The living environment decile for Index of Multiple Deprivation within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Deprivation on Children Score

The income deprivation on children score within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Deprivation on Children Rank

The income deprivation on children rank within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Deprivation on Children Decile

The income deprivation on children decile within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Deprivation on Elderly Score

The income deprivation on elderly score within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Deprivation on Elderly Rank

The income deprivation on elderly rank within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Income Deprivation on Elderly Decile

The income deprivation on elderly decile within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Access to Services Score

The IMD access to services score within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Access to Services Rank

The IMD access to services rank within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.

IMD Access to Services Decile

The IMD access to services decile within 1 mile and 3 miles of the postcode boundary.



Apartments Average Price

The average price of apartments within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Terraced Average Price

The average price of terraced houses within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Semi Detached Average Price

The average price of semi detached houses within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Detached Average Price

The average price of detached houses within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Residential Average Price

The average price of all residential properties within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary

Non-residential Average Price

The average price of all non residential properties within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Apartments Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of apartments within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Terraced Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of terraced houses within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Semi Detached Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of semi detached houses within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Detached Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of detached houses within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Residential Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of all residential properties within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.

Non-residential Average Price per sqft

The average price per square foot of all non residential properties within half mile and 1 mile of the postcode boundary.