



About Us


LANDCLAN offers unrivalled location intelligence for address validation and location verification, along with our GIS Application for searching, scoring, indexing and analysing land parcels.





GIS Industry

Public Sector





Asset Management

Property Development

Data Science


The importance of joined data for insurance companies

Leverage a geographic perspective to reduce risk, avoiding expensive aggregation and accumulation issues. By analysing location-based data, businesses within the insurance sector can make informed decisions, minimise vulnerabilities and ultimately enhancing their resilience in an ever-changing landscape.

Leverage a geographic perspective to reduce risk, avoiding expensive aggregation and accumulation issues. By analysing location-based data, businesses within the insurance sector can make informed decisions, minimise vulnerabilities and ultimately enhancing their resilience in an ever-changing landscape.

The importance of joined data for insurance companies

Premium data available for even more insights

LANDCLAN processes premium data to address level, along with any commercially-available location data, that can be supplied upon request. This premium data includes:

BlueSky National Tree Map

Detailing all trees over three metres in height, with details including canopy, crown and height.

British Geological Survey

Considers BGS NewGIP (gold, silver & bronze), as well as Radon potential.

Cranfield University’s Natural Perils Directory

Predicted soil liability, with factors like clay, sand, peat, silt, flooding & wind exposure.


In-depth assessments of groundwater flood risks and sustainable drainage reports (SuDS).

Address cleanse: Enrichment makes perfect

The first step to great data comes from cleansing the existing address data in your CRM. 

By appending and enriching the addresses in your portfolio with LANDCLAN data, you’ll see a transformation in the quality of your address data. We’ll fix typos, add missing data and ensure all addresses are formatted correctly and align to an authoritative view. In addition, we will append and enrich your data with any information required, such as address, building or land parcel attributes like location-specific hazards, environmental/historic/flood/habitat constraints, proximity to water bodies and any other demographic data, i.e. crime levels and economics.

Once your portfolio is cleansed and enriched, you can begin to use that data to gain incredible insights that will maximise your company’s success.

Leveraging location intelligence in the insurance sector

Imagine being able to confirm that an address is accurate, all while also discovering key information about the associated property and its area. Utilising location intelligence technology will allow you to do exactly that. 

Traditional risk assessment relies on assumptions and generalisations. However, by harnessing the power of location verification and location intelligence, you can:

Enhance Risk Assessment

Leveraging ESRI GIS technology for deeper insights in underwriting

Achieve Peak

Optimise your service with advanced insights

Unprecedented Building Insight

Comprehend more details about a building than ever before

Effective Risk Mitigation

Utilising ESRI GIS technology to safeguard your organisation

Empower Decision-Making

Make knowledge-based decisions through data-driven insights for informed choices.

Why LANDCLAN is the optimum choice to enhance your underwriting capability

With 500+ data attributes per land parcel, LANDCLAN offers more incredible insight into an address than any other location verification service. We’ve delivered a step change in data accuracy and spatially joined data, revolutionising location intelligence as you know it.

Far beyond PAF, LANDCLAN’s 115 billion joined dataset spatially joins building data to land parcels and post codes. So, whether you want to know details of the property or its geographical area, or you simply want clean and accurate address data, LANDCLAN is the ultimate choice.

Our depth and breadth of location data (available as a scalable API or ESRI Arc GIS feature service) is unmatched, offering you the most comprehensive national data combined with GIS functions. We can tell you all the following and more:

Geographic risk at an address or building

Constraints and demographic information that will have an impact on quotes and policies

Co-ordinates for every attribute, rooftop and slope

Property details, e.g. whether it has been extended, or how many bathrooms it has

Area details, e.g. crime rate and typical demographic details

Environmental information, e.g. flood risk level and wind levels

Details of the local economy, e.g. whether it’s an affluent area

Understanding key information like this will ensure your insurance business gains unparalleled insights into risks, pricing, underwriting, and claims management, as well as delivering an exceptional customer experience. As well as all of this, capturing accurate addresses and pre-filling quotation forms is done in just seconds thanks to our scalable API.

Book your Demo

Want to learn more about how LANDCLAN can help you harness the power of location intelligence? Get in touch today.